
Dr. Johann Georg Albrecht
b. 25.2.1629 – d. 11.11.1703
Dr Albrecht’s childhood and youth was most sad and miserable as it coincided with the Thirty Years War but despite that, his parents cared well for him and fostered his abilities. they spared no effort to teach him at home through private tutors as well as in schools. He also found support in music, which he studied in his youth, in voice and instrument. Therefore, he could safely overcome many sad fatalities, troublesome sorrows and other unpleasant occurrences with Christian patience and composure.
Johann Georg Albrecht
b. 25.6.1657 – d. 29.8.1720
Johann Georg Albrecht was born on 25 June 1657 and baptised the day after. Johann Balthasar Staudt, highly esteemed former mayor, consistor and scholarcha, and land Vogt in the Zwerchmayr, imperial judge at the time, along with Johann Georg Krauss, highly regarded doctor of both laws, best esteemed cousul of this town, syndicus at the time, made faithful promises as godparents.
Johann Christoph Albrecht
b. 11.9.1680 – d. 8.3.1751
Johann Christop was born on 11 September 1680 and baptised the following day, 12 September. One of his godfathers was Johann Balthasar Staudt, highly respected former mayor, consistor and scholarcha, land Vogt in the Zwerchmayr and highest tax official. The other was Johann Christoph Walther, also highly respected former mayor, consistor and scholarcha, land Vogt in the Zwerchmayr, and at the time chair of the Inner Council.
David Christoph Albrecht
b. 22.10.1690 – d. 9.3.1740
David Christoph Albrecht was born on 22 October 1690. His godfathers were David Josaphat Schaffer, middle alms manager of the Inner Council, and Christoph Stellwagon, office of the Outer Council.
Nicolaus Christoph Albrecht
b. 13.2.1711 – d. 19.4.1776
Nicolaus Christoph Albrecht was born on 13 February 1711 and baptised the following day. Godfathers to this holy act were Nicholaus Geltner, also senior mayor, consistor and scholarcha, land Vogt in the Zwerchmayer, and Christoph Ludwig Hartmann, doctor of theology and superintendent for many years, consistor and scholarcha.